Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Doughnut Bread Pudding

When you're looking for a quick dessert during the week and your favorite grocery store bakery is in walking distance, one of the quickest baked desserts you can throw together is a bread pudding. Bread pudding is kind of on the scale with a set it and forget it meal, once it's prepped stick it in the fridge and find something else to do for an hour. This recipe also works well for baked French Toast. I love all things decadent so I used evaporated and condensed milk, but it can be made using heavy cream and/or half and half.

3 eggs
1 12oz. can of evaporated milk
1 8oz. can of condensed milk
6 doughnuts cut in pieces
1/2 tsp. Of vanilla extract, or vanilla syrup, or vanilla bean paste

Preheat oven on 350. Mix eggs, kinds of milk, and vanilla thoroughly then pour over cut up doughnuts. Let the doughnuts soak up the milk mixture for 45min to a 1hr. Grease 8x8 pan with butter, spread mixture in the pan in one even layer. Bake for 40min, check for doneness with a toothpick, if it's clean you're done if not cook for an additional 5-10min.