Monday, June 16, 2014

Birthday for the Founder of this Blog!

Gemini speaks yet remains silent,
She lives because she dies to things that hinder her spirit
She breathes and yet holds her breath when in awe
She walks slowly and somehow she never stops running
out of genuine love.
Her love is the oxymoron that make opposites attract
like white and black sister beautiful in every way, the hate and love hard
everyday, like crooked and straight to the point is how she is. No
sugar coating the truths about herself because she's a beautiful soul
that exceeds green wealth. So Her loyalty is not cheap,
she is no comparison to anyone else you will meet.
She is beautiful, she is real and she is a rare jewel.
More than a ruby, more than an emerald, more than a sapphire
more than a diamond, she is simply a jewel called Gemini
a there is only one in this entire universe and she is my sister, my friend
and one that I will never ever forget!! Happy Birthday Gemini!

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Embrace Your Inner Turtle....

              My morning is as follows: Wake up at 5:40 a.m. and take my husband to work, come home and get my daughter dressed and take her to school, come back home and get myself dressed and ready for school, a 45 minute break which includes cleaning the house or whatever task I find myself doing, pick up my daughter from school, pick up my husband from work, fix dinner, clean the kitchen, get my daughter ready for bed, and finally time for my husband.  Whew! That's enough to make you carry an extra tank of oxygen and then beg your neighbor for their spare tank as if you're asking to borrow sugar that you promise to pay back. What's the rush?!  I have no clue! Shame.
              So I have been called slow in different forms reflecting bad self thoughts of low intelligence, downright silly with no sense, and moving at a slow pace.  As I grow into adulthood, these slow whispers I succumb to teaching myself to move swiftly, study harder via google search engine (LOL but it's the truth), and the term "you're so slow" in correlation with humor, I okay with now. Me and the word slow never got along.
               With self teaching, I have developed a lifestyle of rush and go, don't smell the flowers because it's a distraction, don't allow nature to caress your skin because there is a deadline to meet,  and don't take the time to take time for anything all the while trying to prove to myself that I am not slow.  I'm sure this list goes on and on.  I remember a pastor saying, "Why are you rushing?  When you're driving to get somewhere and you're suddenly stopped by traffic, you're in a rush to wait."  Years later after allowing the pressure of "being slow" to suffocate the truth in my mind, I realize that I had become an expert in rushing to wait.  As my sister frankly put it, "You rush to go to the mailbox, go to the store, clean up the house, and even to breath!  Slow down!!"  After listening to my sister and friends who told me the same, I was in complete defense mode and decided that it was a bunch of bull because I take pride in knowing that I can get a job done quickly and efficiently (and almost killing myself).  I was taking pride in killing myself slowly.
What?! Seriously?! Yes. I drank my tall drink of humility and swallowed my pride with it and said, "They're right."  And in my norm of rush, I wanted to rush the process of learning to slow down.  
               In effort to make life less stressful on myself, I decided that I needed to slow down but how? As I struggle with the how, my body responded by chest pains, migraines, and fatigue. The how factor plagued me for a while and I realize it's in the small stuff and it's very simple.  Walk to the mailbox, drive the speed limit and enjoy the scenic route without crashing, take my time to clean up and take breaks when necessary, etc. When I realized that the "rush, rush, rush" lifestyle could undoubtedly shorten my years, my body began to relax, my stress level decreased, and needless to say I've learned and I am still learning to simply wait.  The roses smell wonderful, the coffee smells awesome, time is now captured in precious memories and the bad ones are lessons and nature finally has a moment to grab me by the hand and show me who she really is and she is one amazing creation!
              Balance is the key here.  I had to face my own lies: If you slow down, nothing will get done.  Do it now so you won't have to do it later. If you slow down, you will continue to be slow.  If you slow down, you will run out of time.  If you slow down, you will prove you're not intelligent (doesn't even make sense!). I finally heard the truth after throwing down the lies in my mind: If you slow down, it will still get done.  If you slow down, you can rest more.  If you slow down, you relieve the stress on your body, mind and spirit. If you slow down, you add years to your life.  If you just allow yourself to be a turtle, life will not pass you by, it will embrace you because you haven't stopped moving forward.